• Test Coverage: An Art and a Science

    Looking for information on test coverage? Jean Ann Harrison & Jay Philips presented the “Test Coverage: An Art and a Science” at CAST 2014. Below is the info from the presentation and the corresponding slides:

    Session Info:
    How do you determine the test coverage of your application per project? Do you have strategies in place? Do you know when to implement methods to examine your test coverage? How do you know enough is enough?

    Jay and Jean Ann discuss the meaning of test coverage and use 4 concepts to help determine when “enough is enough” providing approaches on how to discover the data required to make a informed decisions on what to test, where to test, what testing is missing and how much testing is needed based on scope of project. By breaking down the types of coverages, Jay and Jean Ann built some guiding strategies which testers can immediately apply to their testing projects with more confidence in achieving a stronger sense of quality in their efforts. Take back a stronger understanding of test coverage which makes test design more thorough and answers a higher level of quality.


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