• When Is A BI Project Complete?

    You purchased a BI tool and brought in BI consultants to get it up and running. The tool is working great, pulling data automatically from all your systems. The process is working great but does that mean your BI project is complete?

    BI Project Done

    The answer is no. A BI project is not complete until:

    • All users have been trained on the tool
    • All users have an understanding of what the business goals and objectives are
    • All users have an understanding of the data, which includes when the data is collected, what systems the data is collected from and what formulas are used to create the metrics
    • All users understand what the actionable data is and how to act on it
    • All users incorporate the use of the tool into their day-to-day activities

    If the users have not gone through all the items above you take the risk of the tool not being used and understood. When does your organization mark a BI project complete?


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